Welcome to our Mediterranean marine fauna and flora gadget page!
After collecting thousands of images of marine organisms during our
research and training activities we realized we were ready to provide
the first customizable multi-language fishes and invertebrates identification cards
that we have been seeking for so long!
Here you will be able to purchase our standard ID cards and posters
or to ask for a custom version with your preferred species or the logo
of your company or institution!
We accept PayPal payments, thus you will be able to pay with
any of the major credit cards! Do not hesitate to
us for technical support or products enquiries!

Photographs and design © Francesca Riolo,
Mappamondo GIS 2006-2011
The identification cards feature fish and invertebrate species that
can be encountered while diving or snorkelling in the Mediterranean. The marine organisms are represented
through colour photographs of living specimens. The Latin name of the
species plus the common name in one or two other languages is provided
beside the photograph. Additional taxonomic information is also supplied
such as families for fishes and classes or orders for other phyla to
better understand the relationships between the various organisms. The
average and maximum size of each fish species is also reported.
Cards are printed with UV technology on recyclable plastic sheets (148mm × 210mm
x 0.75mm) and they aim to be used for a very long time.
The "Mediterranean fauna and flora" ID card includes 48
photographs of the most common Mediterranean organisms (29 fishes, 14
invertebrates, 2 algae and 1 plant) and is available in one or two languages among English,
French, German and Italian.
Coming soon:
The "Mediterranean Fishes" ID card includes 42 species
of fishes and is available in one or two languages among English,
French, German and Italian.
The "Mediterranean Invertebrates" ID card includes 50
species of invertebrates and is available in one or two languages among English,
French, German and Italian.
To purchase the identification cards feel free to use our PayPal payment option by
pressing the buy now button or to make a wire transfer (contact us for
For orders of more than 100 cards please
enquire for bulk price reductions. Cost includes VAT. Shipping cost
is provided during check out.
If you are a diving centre, a marine protected
area, a research institution, a private business or an individual wishing to have
a customized identification card with your logo, favourite fish, marine
organisms or language please do not hesitate to
contact us!
We will be glad to produce your customized identification card.
We have
available thousands of images of Mediterranean organisms to choose from
or we can insert those from your collection.
Adding your logo to our standard ID cards has no additional cost when
ordering more than 50 cards! Analogously for inserting a languages other
than the 4 we provide (we ask you to supply the desired
translation of the common names)
For additions of new species we will be happy to send you a quotation
depending on the number of species to be added and the quantity ordered.